Rockmelt Browser Download

RockMelt is a nice web browser designed to provide a unique experience. RockMelt allows you to explore the internet as usual while staying in touch with. Binu George Browser Tips blogging,Browser Tips,browsers,how-to guides,productivity,rockmelt browser,rockmelt download,Top 10 So what are the interesting features of the new social media ready browser RockMelt? As we discussed it is a full fledged social media enabled browser that make your social network life much more easier than before. My full review of this awesome browser! This is going to get big because the geeks love it!:DLinks: https://www.facebook.c. RockMelt is re-imagining your online experience by creating a new web browser that makes it easy to stay in touch with friends, search online, and get updates from your favorite websites.

30+ Rocking Features of Rockmelt Browser

Google’s Chrome, Microsoft’s Inter Explorer, Mozilla’s Firefox, Apple’s Safari, Opera and many! How many browser you want? Why are they so popular? Well, you all know all these are very popular browsers out in market and very much up for browsers war!


There are hundreds of browsers out in market and some of them are cloned browser which uses above mentioned browser’s engine and adds some new features into it to attract users. Flock and India’s Epic browser are few among them.

Well, here come one more new child into market from the c0-founder of first widely-used web browser, Netscape. RockMelt is a social media web browser developed by Tim Howes and Eric Vishria and backed by Netscape founder Marc Andreessen.

Just a week back Rockmelt team released first beta browser. RockMelt is fast, secure, and stable because it’s built on Chromium, the open source project behind Google’s Chrome browser. It’s your browser – re-imagined and built for how you use the Web.

RockMelt does more than just navigate Web pages. But it will be very good competitor for desktop version of Facebook application Fishbowl by Microsoft! Let us get into our main topic, features of Rockmelt browser,

1. Welcome to Rockmelt

What was that? Shocked? Yes, as said before Rockmelt is a Social media browser built mainly for Facebook users. You can say its a Facebook friendly browser. Well, login and start using Facebook..OOPS Rockmelt 🙂

2. Facebook Chatbar

As you can see in the image, on the left hand side Rockmelt browser provides a Facebook chat bar. Its a option bar which will be explained later. Yes, you can chat with your friends while browsing other page.

But only disadvantage of this bar is, number of displayed user is dependent on your browser resolution. You can’t see all FB friends 🙁

3. Facebook Chat

Here is the sample of Rockmelt’s Facebook chat. This Facebook chat window will be popped out and you can have separate chat window dedicated to FB chat 🙂

4. Facebook Status Preview

Now you can see what was your last Facebook status update without opening! Just a hover on your Facebook DP on top left corner pop-up your last status update.

5. Facebook Friend’s Status

Not only your status update, you can even see your friends status without visiting their page! Just a hover on your friend image and see their status just as in above image.

6. Create Own Facebook Friends Group

Just similar to Facebook Groups you can create your own list of Facebook friends and easily check whether are they online or not.

7. All friends or Favorite friends?

Confused how can you access your favorite friends list and all friends list? Its easy. Click on Star for your favorite friends and green dot for all friends list.

8. Write on Friend Wall or Send a Message

While chatting with your friend, to send a message or write on friend’s wall what you will do? Search for that friend, scroll their, write on their wall! hectic write? Use Rockmelt and chat, write on their wall and send a message with a single click.

9. Update your status on Facebook and Twitter

Enough of writing on friends wall and sending message and chatting.. Now update your status as well. Just click on your DP on top-left corner and update your status on Facebook and Twitter. Remember, you should login to twitter before updating status on twitter.

10. Facebook Updates

Not only left side bar Rockmelt has one more right side bar. This bar is called as app edge. One of the option on right hand side is Facebook updates.

11. Facebook Wall

Now you can see your wall without login into Facebook 😛 Just a click on Facebook updates button and here is your Facebook wall.

12. Facebook Notifications

Who wrote on your wall? Who poked you? Who tagged you in some image? Missing all these notification while browsing other pages? Here is just a small button which gives you all this on single click. But notifies you with numbers on it 🙂

13. Rocking Share

Now you share the website which you browsing right now by just a single click. Like a site or story? Click “Share” and BAM – link shared. You can use it on any site to post to Facebook or tweet about it on Twitter. It’s just one click away. That easy.

Rocket Melt Browser Download

14. Friend Search through URL bar

As we said before, this Facebook Chat bar is limited to your screen resolution and cannot be scrolled or edited. If this is case how can search for your friend and find their he/she is online? Simple, just start typing your friend name and rockmelt will suggest friends names just like in image.

This option is even available in Google Search box 🙂

15. Twitter Inside Rockmelt

As we informed you before while sharing your status on twitter, you need to be logged into Twitter. But where you will login? Web version? No need. Just a click away you can login into twitter. This shortcut is available in right edge/bar.

16. Twitter Tweets

Logged in? Cool 🙂 Now you can click on the same twitter button to get your twitter timeline.


17. Twitter Timeline

Rockmelt Browser Download

When you browsing your other websites this twitter API will get updated background and shows how many new tweets you haven’t checked.

18. Twitter Retweet

Just similar to twitter website, this API gives an option to retweet any tweet.

Rockmelt Browser Download

19. Twitter Share

Similar to Facebook share you can even share your updates on Twitter.

#20. Multiple Twitter Account

One great advantage of this Twitter API is you can login into multiple twitter account and get both the timelines in single place 🙂

21. Add Feeds

Only only Facebook and Twitter, this browser even has facility of adding feeds of the website you visit daily for updates. This feed API even updates you by checking whether the website you visited had feed option in it.

22. Pop-up Google Search

No need to open new tab for Google search any more. When ever you search Google it will just pop up a small window by keeping you on same website.

23. Enable and Disable Edge/sidebar

You can enable and disable both edges anytime if you don’t like. But all the services will be running in background.

Rockmelt Browser Download

24. Edges Options

25. Import Multiple Bookmarks

You can import multiple bookmarks into rockmelt as shown in the image.

26. Default Ad Blocker

Rockmelt has a default ad blocker and one more advantage.

27. Form Auto Fill


As Rockmelt is built using Chromium code, it also added form auto fill features which we saw in Chrome 6 features. You can even import auto fill data from chrome.

28. Chrome features

Well Rockmelt retrieved some features like cut, copy, paste, incognito and zoom options from Chrome.

29. Chrome Extensions

Rockmelt Browser Download For Pc

Well Chrome users can easily make a switch to Rockmelt as the look and feel is just similar to Chrome.

You can use the same extensions which supports Chrome browser and these extension will be displayed in right hand edge. As shown in the image on right side.

30. More shortcuts

Rockmelt has added shortcuts to most visited sites, recently closed sites and history. It displays small thumbnail below most visited sites and recently closed tabs. And for history it displayed browsing history in new tab just similar to with url chrome://history/.

31. Pin website

Rocket Browser For Pc

Like a website you visited? You can pin it and use it anytime.

32. Chromium Engine

As you all by this time Rockmelt is a browser built using Chromium open source code which Google Chrome is using.

33. Rockmelt Logout

Well we came to end of this post and lets log off 😛 Logging out from Rockmelt will log you off from Facebook and will close all the opened tab as well. Even exit does the same but it wont log off from Facebook.

Huh!. Tired? Well Rockmelt has got lot of features and it may enter browsers war soon with Chromium codebase.

Rockmelt team says

Rockmelt Browser Free Download

Today, the browser connects you to your world. Why not build your world right into your browser?

Here they are mention world to Facebook and Twitter which has got more than half of the world’s population in their pocket. That’s all for now. Watch out for more info about Rockmelt.

Rockmelt Social Browser Download

Now! Did you like Rockmelt? Which feature made you go crazy? DO you think it will be competitor for other browsers? Please share your thoughts 🙂