Timy can schedule messages up to twenty-four hours in advance, but not more. Like most Slack apps, it works via simple commands. You can schedule messages to be sent at a particular time, or after a certain amount of time e.g., after two hours.
- An amazing open-source group messaging app build with flutter. Multiple groups (similar to Teams in Slack). Multiple open or private channels within groups. Sharing of photos and photo collections. React to messages with emoji. Push-notifications for the message and channel updates.
- Multiple groups (similar to Teams in Slack). Multiple open or private channels within groups. Sharing of photos and photo collections. React to messages with emoji. Push-notifications for message and channel updates. Specific channels for events (e.g. Containing date, venue). Editing of event channels.
1. Is Rowdy free?
No. You can try out Rowdy for 14 days and see if it's fulfilling your needs. You don't need a credit card to start the trial period. After the trial period you can either choose monthly plan or the yearly plan of Rowdy.
2. What are the available time formats for /del command?
at 8pm | 13.35 | 8:24pm | 1.10am | 3.24
in 1m | 1h | 2h30m
3. What is the maximum deletion time?
You can self-destruct your messages up to 24 hours.
4. What happens if I uninstall Rowdy from my workspace?
Your subscription will be automatically get cancelled. Anyway you can again install Rowdy at any time.
5. I need some help on commands?

Sure. You can type /rowdy to get some quick help.
6. I need some help regarding pricing and billing?
You can visit pricing page for more information.
7. Rowdy is not available in Slack app store. Why?
This was the official response from Slack.
Unfortunately at this time, apps with destructive functionality (e.g self-destruct messages) are not something we view as appropriate for the App Directory. This doesn't mean that you can't go ahead and share your app with others. It just means that it will not be discoverable via the App Directory.
- Slack
Schedule Send Slack
8. I have another question?
Timy Slack
Sure. We're more than happy to help you. Send your question at rowdy@serandibsoft.com.