beatles.wav (418k) .mp3 (303k)
- Ferris Mueller's Day Off Walkthrough
- Ferris Bueller's Day Off Cast
- Ferris Bueller's Day Off Quotes
- Ferris Mueller's Day Off Movie
Ferris Bueller's Day Off is a classical coming-of-age film filled with countless humor, a slick and sleek performance from Matthew Broderick and smart script, making this a recognizable film of.
Sloan: What do you think Ferris is gonna do?
(Twist and Shout by the Beatles starts playing)
Cameron: He's gonna be a fry cook on Venus.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off Synopsis: Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick) has an uncanny skill at cutting classes and getting away with it. Intending to make one last duck-out before graduation, Ferris calls in sick, 'borrows' a Ferrari, and embarks on a one-day journey through the streets of Chicago. The 'Fight Club' theory about Ferris Bueller's Day Off states that Ferris Bueller is just a figment of Cameron's imagination, like Tyler Durden to the narrator of Fight Club, and Sloane is a girl Cameron secretly loves but hasn't ever interacted with before. Directed by John Hughes. With Matthew Broderick, Alan Ruck, Mia Sara, Jeffrey Jones. A high school wise guy is determined to have a day off from school, despite what the Principal thinks of that.
bitebig.wav (22k) .mp3 (16k)
Jeannie:Bite the big one, Junior.
boughtit.wav (221k) .mp3 (161k)
Ferris:They bought it!
(MTV THEME SONG least the one they played back in the day when they actually played videos.)
calmesir.wav (111k) .mp3 (80k)
Cameron:That's better!
camegypt.wav (252k) .mp3 (183k)
Cameron:(Singing) When Cameron was in Egypt's laaand...Let my Cameron goooooo!
childish.wav (115k) .mp3 (84k)
Ferris:It's a little childish and stupid, but then, so is high school.
clammy.wav (393k) .mp3 (285k)
Ferris:The key to faking out the parents is the clammy hands. It's a good non-specific symptom..I'm a big believer in it. A lot of people will tell you that a good phony fever is a dead-lock, but, uh, you get a nervous mother, you could wind up in the doctor's office..That's worse than school.
college.wav (218k) .mp3 (158k)
Ferris:If anybody needs a day off, it's Cameron. He's has lot of things to sort out before he graduates. Can't be this wound up this tight and go to college..his roommate will kill him!
doagain.wav (112k) .mp3 (81k)
(Makes an excellent shutdown sound)
Parking Garage Attendant:Wooooooo! Hahaha! Yeah man! We got to do this again!
english.wav (181k) .mp3 (131k)
Ferris:You speak English?
Parking Garage Guy: (Looks stunned) Ah, what country do you think this is?
fertilize.wav (205k) .mp3 (148k)
Mom: You're not going to school like this now!
Jeannie:Oh fine! What's this? What's his problem?
Mom:He doesn't feel well.
Jeannie:Yeah, right. Dry that one out, you can fertilize the lawn.
giveeyes.wav (263k) .mp3 (191k)
Student:This guy in my biology class, said that if Ferris dies, he's giving his eyes to Stevie Wonder! Oh he's such a sweetie! Gotta go!
Another student:Hi Jeannie!
harry.wav (49k) .mp3 (36k)
Grace:You sounded like Dirty Harry just then!
herpes.wav (308k) .mp3 (N/A)
Jeannie (on the house intercom):Whoever is in the house, or still in the house, I'd like you to know that I've just called the police! So if you have any brains whatsoever, you'll get your ass out of my house real quick. I'd also like to add that I have my father's gun and a scorching case of herpes.
ingym.wav (152k) .mp3 (110k)
Ferris Mueller's Day Off Walkthrough
Ferris:Hey realize if we played by the rules, right now we'd be in gym? (Both laugh)
insultme.wav (167k) .mp3 (122k)

Cameron (on phone to Mr. Rooney):Well, I think you should be sorry, for Christ's sake! A family member dies, and you insult me! What the hell is the matter with you anyway?
isms.wav (525k) .mp3 (381k)
Ferris:It's not that I condone facism..or any 'ism' for that matter. 'Isms' in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an 'ism', they should believe in themself. I quote John Lennon, 'I don't believe in Beatles..I just believe in me.' A good point there. After all, he was the walrus. I could be the walrus, I'd still have to bum rides off of people!
killdcar.wav (64k) .mp3 (48k)
Cameron:What did I do?
Ferris:You killed the car.
letmstay.wav (269k) .mp3 (195k)
Jeannie:Wait, you're letting him stay home? I can't believe this! If I were bleeding out my eyes, you guys would make me go to school. This is so unfair.
Ferris:Jeannie, please don't be upset with me. You have your health, be thankful.
mortuary.wav (236k) .mp3 (171k)
Cameron on a pre-recorded answering machine message:You have reached the Cawthorne Brothers mortuary. We are deeply sorry we are unable to come to the phone right now, but if you will leave your name and number, we will get back to you as soon as inhumanly possible. <beep>
nvrdoubt.wav (132k) .mp3 (96k)
Ferris:Incredible! One of the worst performances of my career, and they never doubted it for a second!
pos.wav (297k) .mp3 (215k)
Ferris: Mr. Rooney would never believe Mr. Peterson drives that piece of shit.
Cameron:A piece of shit?
Ferris:It is a piece of shit! Don't worry about it, I don't even have a piece of shit! I have to envy yours.
Cameron:Oh, thanks.
sngshowr.wav (210k) .mp3 (153k)
Ferris:(Singing in the shower) I recall Central Park in Fall! How you tore your dress, what a mess, I
soakhead.wav (193k) .mp3 (140k)
Grace:Peterson home on line one..and watch your mouth this time.
Ed Rooney:Go soak your head.
socialism.wav (330k) .mp3 (239k)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off Cast
Ferris:(Referring to a test he has today) It's on European socialism. I mean, really! What's the point? I'm not European..I don't plan on being European. So who gives a crap if they're socialists? They could be facist anarchists..It still wouldn't change the fact that I don't own a car!
takitbak.wav (730k) .mp3 (530k)
Cameron:Please don't say we're not gonna take the car back..Please don't say we're not gonna...
Ferris:If you had access to a car like this, would you take it back right away? Neither would I.
(Ferris revs up the engine and races off)
thenurse.wav (298k) .mp3 (220k)
Singing Telegram dressed as a nurse:I heard that you were feeling ill, headache, fever, and a chill! I came to help restore your pluck! Cuz I'm the nurse who likes to.. (door slams)
throwhim.wav (179k) .mp3 (130k)
Ed Rooney:I don't trust this kid any further than I could throw him!
Grace:Well, with your bad knee, Ed, you shouldn't throw anybody!
wench.wav (26k) .mp3 (18k)
Student yelling at Jeannie:YOU HEARTLESS WENCH!
whatscore.wav (127k) .mp3 (N/A)
Rooney: (Looking at the Cubs baseball game on TV) What's the score?
Pizza Guy:Nothin' nothin'.
Rooney:Who's winning?
Pizza Guy:The Bears.
school.wav (76K)
Ferris:How can I possibly be expected to handle school on a day like this?
bueller.wav (207K)
Teacher:(taking attendance) Bueller?.... Bueller?....Bueller?
Girl:Um, he's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with a girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.
Ferris:I asked for a car, I got a computer. How's that for being born under a bad sign?
playsick.wav (74K)
Ferris plays 'The Blue Danube' on his keyboard using sampled coughs and sick sounds.
diamond.wav (79K)
Ferris:Pardon my French, but Cameron is so tight that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass, in two weeks you'd have a diamond.
likenass.wav (85K)
Mr. Rooney:He jeopardizes my ability to effectively govern this student body.
Grace:He makes you look like an ass is what he does, Ed.
dude.wav (114K)
Grace: The sportos and motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, dickheads.. they all adore him. They think he's a rightous dude.
asshole.wav (33K)
Cameron:(pretending to be Sloane's dad) Pardon my French.. but you're an asshole!
psandqs.wav (106K)
Cameron:(as Sloane's dad)Now you just mind you P's and Q's buster.. and remember who your dealing with.
Ferris:Bueller. Ferris Bueller.
ill_go.wav (410K)
Cameron:He'll keep callin' me.. he'll keep callin' me until I go over. He'll make me feel guilty..THIS IS.. This is ridiculous, ok? I'll go. I'll go. I'll go. I'll go. I'll go.. wai. I'll go.. shit.
(car starts.. then stops, sounds of Cameron hitting his hand against the car's seat)
(car starts and roars.. Cameron screams.. car stops.)
Forget it.. that's it.
Cameron:The 1961 Ferrari 250GT California. Less than a hundred were made. My father spent three years restoring this car. It is his love, it is his passion.. is his fault he didn't lock the gararge.
understd.wav (174K)
Snooty Maitre D':I appreciate your understanding.
Ferris:Don't think twice. It's understanding that makes it possible for people like us to tolerate a person like yourself.
Maitre D':Thank you.
Ferris:Don't mention it.
batter.wav (128K)
Cameron:Eh.. batta batta batta batta suuuwing batta.. c'mon.
Ferris/Cameron:Eh.. batta batta batta suuuwing batta..
can'thithecan'thit suuuuwing batta..
dankeshn.wav (584K)
Ferris:Ladies and gentlemen, you're such a wonderful crowd we'd like to play a little tune for you. It's one of my personal favorites, and I'd like to dedicate it to a young man who doesn't think he's seen anything good today. Cameron Frye.. this one's for you.
(Ferris lip synchs the first verse of 'Danke Shein.')
bezerk.wav (205K)
Ferris:Here's where Cameron goes bezerk.
(Cameron screams forever.)
holyshit.wav (68K)
Cameron:Whoa... Holy shit!
testicle.wav (138K)
Hood:There's somebody you should talk to.
Jeannie:If you say 'Ferris Bueller' you lose a testicle.
Hood:Oh, you know him?
life.wav (63K)
Ferris: Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
The 1980s were a fertile time for teen comedies in general, but even among the other films in the subgenre, the movies of John Hughes rose above the pack. In a series of films beginning with Sixteen Candles in 1984, Hughes charted the teen experience in ways that both critics and audiences came to adore, creating a string of memorable stories that fans still love today.
In 1986, Hughes added to his already impressive teen comedy resume with Ferris Bueller's Day Off, the story of a kid (Matthew Broderick) who's sick of school and decides to use his intelligence, ingenuity, and determination not to study, but to have the best fake sick day of all time. The film helped make Matthew Broderick into a massive star, but was written so well that even the actors in supporting roles got a boost to instant icon status. Decades after it was released, the actors in Ferris Bueller's Day Off are instantly recognizable to fans of the film. Here's what they're all up to now.
Matthew Broderick - Ferris Bueller
Though Ferris Bueller would become the defining role of the first decade of his career, and still makes him a recognizable figure, Matthew Broderick's breakout role actually arrived three years earlier, when he played computer hacker David in the cyber-drama WarGames. Roles in films like Ladyhawke soon followed, and in 1986 he became everyone's favorite enterprising teen slacker when John Hughes cast him in the title role of Ferris Bueller's Day Off. The film gave Broderick some of the most memorable scenes and most quotable lines of his entire career.
After Ferris was a hit, Broderick kept working steadily in film and television. The decade following that film brought roles in Glory, The Freshman, The Lion King and The Cable Guy, and his other memorable roles include Godzilla, Election, Inspector Gadget, and more. In 2001 Broderick, an accomplished stage actor with Broadway credits stretching back into the early 1980s, took one of the leading roles in Mel Brooks' The Producers, one of the most acclaimed and popular musicals of the 21st century. He still divides his work between stage and screen, and recent projects include 2019 appearances in the TV series Daybreak and Better Things.
Alan Ruck - Cameron Frye

Like Broderick, Alan Ruck's screen acting career also started to take off in the early 1980s, and after early roles in films like Class and Bad Boys, he landed the unforgettable part of Ferris' best friend Cameron Frye in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Ruck had the task of playing everything Broderick's Ferris was not, and did it so well that he stole several scenes in the movie with his anxious comedy.
Ruck continued to work regularly through the rest of the 1980s, but the 1990s was where he really got prolific with his work on the big and small screens. That decade brought roles in films like Young Guns II, Speed, Star Trek: Generations, and his memorable work as navigator Rabbit in Twister. It also included numerous TV gigs on shows like Going Places, Mad About You, Muscle, and a starring role on the Michael J. Fox-led sitcom Spin City.
Ruck has continued to work regularly throughout the 21st century, and the late 2010s brought with them a renewed sense of the spotlight around his work. In 2016 he joined the cast of the acclaimed horror TV series adaptation of The Exorcist, and in 2018 he joined the ensemble cast of HBO's award-winning family drama Succession.
Mia Sara - Sloane Peterson
Mia Sara's breakthrough role as a screen actress arrived in 1985, when she was cast as Lili in the Ridley Scott-directed fantasy epic Legend. She followed that up the very next year with another iconic role in an iconic film when John Hughes cast her as Sloane Peterson in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. As Sloane, Sara added a level of cool to the often goofy antics of her co-stars, while still being in on the joke the entire time. It's a difficult role to play when Broderick is often stealing the show, but she nailed it.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off Quotes
Of course, Hollywood took notice of this opening one-two punch, and Sara spent the next two decades working regularly in film and television. Her other major credits following Ferris Bueller's Day Off include Queenie, Shadows in the Storm, Timecop, The Set Up, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, The Birds of Prey TV series, and more. Her last major role came in 2012 with Dorothy and the Witches of Oz. After quitting acting in the 2010s, she became an accomplished poet.
Jennifer Grey - Jeanie Bueller
Jennifer Grey's screen acting credits begin in 1984, and though she performed in fewer than a dozen roles over the course of the decade, several of them proved to be classics. In 1984 she co-starred in Red Dawn and The Cotton Club. Then in 1986 came Ferris Bueller's Day Off and the role of Jeanie, the title character's jealous and vindictive sister. But the most iconic role was yet to come: In 1987 she starred as Baby in Dirty Dancing, which became an '80s cinema phenomenon on its own that's now on par with Ferris Bueller in terms of its devoted fanbase.
Grey spent the 1990s working steadily in film and television, with credits including Wind, Lover's Knot, Portraits of a Killer, and the TV series It's Like, You Know.. After a brief break from acting following the birth of her daughter in the early 2000s, Grey returned to the screen for roles in everything from John from Cincinnati to Phineas and Ferb and Red Oaks. In 2010, after undergoing a physical examination to make sure it was safe to perform given her injuries in a 1987 car crash, Grey competed in Season 11 of the competition series Dancing with the Stars.
Jeffrey Jones - Ed Rooney
Ferris Mueller's Day Off Movie
Jeffrey Jones' screen acting career took off in the mid '70s thanks to roles like John Adams in the miniseries The Adams Chronicles, and by the 1980s he was an in-demand character actor. After landing roles in Easy Money, Amadeus, and other projects, he was cast as Ed Rooney in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Jones' work as the pompous, relentless dean of students quickly made him one of teen cinema's most popular villains we love to hate.
Jones continued to pick up major roles after Bueller's success, including a collaboration with director Tim Burton that led him to appear in Beetlejuice, Ed Wood, and Sleepy Hollow. His other major roles included The Hunt for Red October, The Crucible, The Devil's Advocate, and a role as newspaper publisher A.W. Merrick in the acclaimed HBO series Deadwood.
In 2003, Jones pleaded no contest to a charge of employing a teenage boy to pose for nude photos, and in 2010 he was sentenced to community service for failing to update his sex offender status. These legal issues have led to fewer screen appearances in the 2010s, but he did re-emerge in 2019 to reprise the role of Merrick in Deadwood: The Movie.
Lyman Ward - Tom Bueller
Lyman Ward's screen acting career stretches all the way back to the early 1970s, when he began appearing in guest roles on TV series like Bonanza, The Delphi Bureau, One Day at a Time, and the very first episode of Laverne & Shirley. He continued to work regularly throughout that decade, and by the 1980s he was appearing in films like Protocol, Moscow on the Hudson, and A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge. As Ferris Bueller's father in Day Off, he brought a sense of likable cluelessness to the comedy, particularly in the scene when he dances to the parade music in his office window, unaware that his son is leading the celebration in the street below.
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After Ferris Bueller, Ward continued to work regularly throughout the rest of the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s in both TV and film, with credits including Murder, She Wrote, Family Ties, thirtysomething, First Monday, Independence Day, JAG, Monk, and many more. In the 2010s his acting work began to slow down, and his last major role was in an episode of Transparent in 2015.
Cindy Pickett - Katie Bueller
Cindy Pickett's breakthrough as a screen actor came in 1977, when she was cast on the long-running soap opera Guiding Light. By the 1980s, more TV and film roles were flowing in, including appearances on The Magical World of Disney, Riptide, Simon & Simon, Magnum P.I., Call to Glory, and more. In 1986 she played Ferris Bueller's mother Katie, who had to take the brunt of the parenting work on throughout her son's day off while her husband hung out in the city, taking lunches and dancing in his office. Her onscreen husband Lyman Ward soon became her real-life husband, though they divorced in 1992.
After Bueller, Pickett continued to work regularly, appearing in series like Amerika and St. Elsewhere in major roles while also appearing in films like DeepStar Six, Crooked Hearts, Sleepwalkers, and more. More recent credits include episodes of Burn Notice, Saving Grace, The Client List, and The Mentalist, and in 2018 she co-starred in the post-apocalyptic horror series Age of the Living Dead.
Edie McClurg - Grace
Edie McClurg is one of the most recognizable character actors of her generation, thanks in no small part to her role as Rooney's eccentric secretary Grace in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Her screen acting career took off in the mid-'70s with roles in TV series like Tony Orlando and Dawn and The Chevy Chase Show special, as well as roles in films like Carrie and Cracking Up. By the time Ferris Bueller rolled around she'd been working steadily for more than a decade, with regular roles in TV series like Madame's Place, The Dukes, and more.
After the success of Ferris Bueller, McClurg became part of John Hughes' stock company of favorite actors, appearing in his films Planes, Trains and Automobiles, She's Having a Baby, and Curly Sue. She also continued to work frequently in television, starring or guest-starring in series like Small Wonder, Valerie, and 7th Heaven. Though her output slowed somewhat by the 2010s, she continued to work regularly, with appearances on CSI, NCIS, Mike and Molly, and more. She's also an accomplished voice actor, with roles on shows including Rocket Power, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Bobby's World, and Snorks.
Jonathan Schmock - Maitre D'
There are a few examples in Ferris Bueller's Day Off of actors who come in for just one scene but leave a lasting impression as they get roped into Ferris' shenanigans and schemes. Jonathan Schmock is arguably the most memorable of these actors as the maitre d' at Chez Quis who refuses to believe Ferris is the 'Sausage King of Chicago.'
Schmock had already been working for a few years by the time he was hired for Ferris Bueller, most notably on the TV series Double Trouble, and has continued to make regular appearances in film and TV. His more recent work includes guest spots on The Goldbergs, Flaked, Transparent, 2 Broke Girls, and more, but he's not just a busy actor — Schmock is also an accomplished and prolific screenwriter, particularly in the realm of TV comedies. His credits include co-developing Sabrina the Teenage Witch, co-creating Brotherly Love, and scripting for shows like Blossom, Dharma & Greg, Real Time with Bill Maher, and Young and Hungry.
Charlie Sheen - Boy in police station
Charlie Sheen's rise to stardom had already begun by the time he was cast as a guy in a police station who hooks up with Jeanie Bueller in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. The son of legendary actor Martin Sheen, his breakthrough came in 1984 with the release of Red Dawn, and in 1986 he co-starred in the Penelope Spheeris film The Boys Next Door. The Bueller role was a cameo, but it only added to Sheen's recognizability when he became part of the John Hughes hit machine.
More hits soon followed, including Platoon, Young Guns, Wall Street, Eight Men Out, and Major League, making the '80s a fertile period for Sheen. He followed that up with another string of major roles in the 1990s, and in 2000 took over from Michael J. Fox as the lead in Spin City. In 2003 he landed the role for which most 21st century audiences know him: Charlie Harper in the hit sitcom Two and a Half Men. Sheen remained on the show until 2011, when clashes with Chuck Lorre led to his departure. A string of very public issues, including drug abuse and messy divorces, plagued Sheen throughout the 2000s and 2010s, and he eventually revealed that he'd tested HIV positive. In 2019, Sheen revealed that he'd been sober for more than a year and was in therapy. He also continued to act semi-regularly, and in 2017 appeared in the films 9/11 and Mad Families.